Sorcery Academy

14th May, 2023.   Sunday.

Dear Diary,

Let me introduce myself; my name is Nyx Moon and my life is about to change tomorrow. Why? I just got told that I was born into a family of sorceresses, witches, and wizards, and- well you get the idea. So obviously, I’m one of them! My mom is one of the highest level witches and my dad is one of the most powerful wizards!

My mom told me that since I’m sixteen now, I’m old enough to go to… SORCERY ACADEMY!! I’m so excited!! I’ve always wanted to do REAL magic, not the childish magician-type magic. How juvenile.

So, I got my uniform and it looks AMAZING! It’s light purple with golden accents and a badge with the moon and the sun on it because I’m part of the Celestial group. Whatever the heck that means. Anyway, I got my very own spell book too!! A new bag, a wand, and some potion jars!

Aw man, I need to go to bed! Well, got to get ready for my big day tomorrow.

Catch you on the flip side! 

15th May, 2023.  Monday.

Dear Diary,

Today was AWESOME!! I have so much to tell you! As soon as I entered the academy, I was blown away by how big and mystical it was! But, OH MY GOODNESS!! I had such an embarrassing moment because of my memorization! I tripped on a rock and dropped ALL my books! On the first day, I socially embarrassed myself. Clumsy ol’ Nyx.

Anyway, I went to my class which was called “Celestial Level 1” and thought, “That’s probably where I’m supposed to be.” And went in. The teacher knew my parents since she was a friend of my mom and her name was Helen Sun. So she knew me as well and introduced me to the whole class.

I sat down and I got the answer to the question I was longing to ask. That question was, “What are groups?” since I was in the Celestial group. The teacher explained that they are classifications of different witch categories.

There are 4 of them which are known by our last names. The “Plants” category should have flower or leaf as their last name; the “Water” category should have wave or simply water as their last name; the “Fire” category should have flames or burn as their last name and finally, the “Celestial” category should have moon or sun as their last name.

After that class, we went to potion making and ironically, I didn’t make ANY friends from my class! But I made a friend from another category named Dawn Flames and we had so much fun making potions together!

Although, we did have a little casualty… Heh heh. I didn’t listen to the teacher and accidentally added WAY too much gold residue to our invisibility potion. You’ll never guess what happened next! I literally made it rain CATS AND DOGS!! In class!! And of course, I got scolded for that and my reaction was, “Whoops! My bad!!”  Everyone was glaring at me and Dawn. Well, she just laughed at me; then I started laughing, THEN the whole class started laughing!

Oh my, my hand is tired! I need to stop writing and have dinner!

Catch you on the flip side!  

17th May, 2023.  Wednesday

Dear Diary,

WOW! Yesterday was SO busy that I didn’t even have time to write!! Anyway, it was one of my classmate’s birthday today, and what a disaster that was! Seriously! Since when did a simple birthday become so chaotic?

What happened was… Oh boy; how do explain this? Well basically, my friend had a little bit of an accident. NO, IT’S NOT A BATHROOM ACCIDENT OK?! What I meant is her magic wand went a little haywire and she wanted to put balloons around the room with it but ended up destroying the lights of the room.

Now of course everyone was panicking! People were running around, screaming, and trying to turn on the lights. Even the teacher couldn’t calm them down! Who knew magic students were so afraid of the dark? Like, EXCUSE ME?

After that, EVERYTHING went even MORE south when SOMEBODY bumped into the cake!! When we finally got the lights to turn back on (courtesy of my teacher’s magic); we saw that Lunar Moon was lying on the floor with CAKE all over her! I was like, “How can this get ANY worse?!”

I really wish I hadn’t said that because OF COURSE something went wrong AGAIN!! When the birthday girl came back from the bathroom, she SLIPPED and fell onto… You’ll never guess!! She fell onto the teacher’s wand and BROKE it!! The teacher was VERY angry which is understandable because OBVIOUSLY you’d be mad too if I broke something you REALLY, REALLY need.

Our teacher, in her extreme annoyance, dismissed the class and will probably never want a birthday party to be celebrated in her class ever again; she may even hate birthdays after this!

Nothing special happened today though, it’s because the ENTIRE school was fed up with trying to clean the cake-y mess, we got a day off so, yeah that’s about it. The cake was really sticky so it’s probably going to take a little more than soap to scrub off that gross stuff.


Catch you on the flip side!

18th May, 2023.  Thursday

Dear Diary,

You know what I just realized? My diary entries are getting longer and longer day by day! Also, nothing special happened today; again! Why does it seem like my life has gotten blander ever since I joined Sorcery Academy? It’s almost the same as regular school. Well, I guess I know how Harry Potter lives his life.

Oh, wait! I almost forgot! My mom said that we were having guests at our place and they were the most talented witches and wizards and were also my parents’ friends. Great, now I’m the one who has to set the dinner table now. *Sigh

Catch you on the Oh wait… I just remembered that there is no flip side because my diary just ended. Oh well.

This is my final bye to you! J

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