The Unlucky Techie

This story is about The Unlucky Techie. In a modern home, something unexpected happened to a teenage boy named Alexander or Alex. The boy was thirteen years old; unaware of his surroundings while spending countless ticking seconds away on his phone. At long last, his mother had enough of his behavior with all his idling around and thus, went to talk to his father.  

He proposed that they should go on a camping trip in order to get his boy to like the outdoors and ACTUALLY do something for once. But Alex was absolutely reluctant to do so and insisted that he stay home. He begged, he pleaded but it was no use.

When they got in the car, Alex’s electronics were forced to be left home and he stayed miserable throughout the whole trip! Finally, when they arrived he was fascinated at the sight of all the greenery however, while getting out of the car, he slipped on a big pile of mud! As if the poor guy’s day wasn’t bad enough. He rolled his eyes and got up; questioning why he ever agreed to do this.

When his mom saw him annoyed she said, “Come on Alex, lighten up! Look how beautiful this place is!” and he irritably replied, “Thanks Mom, I’ve definitely seen JUST how beautiful it is.” Then, his father set up the tent and although Alex wanted to somewhat enjoy this experience; his need to look at a TikTok or send a message to his friend was gravitating him away from the fun!

He constantly complained about EVERYTHING! Acting like a five-year-old, he said “Ugh, when will we go home? Where’s the TV plug? MOM!! This bug just bit me! Eww! What is that?” His father couldn’t take it another one of his petty concerns and yelled, “Alexander James! Grow up! Stop questioning and complaining about everything. This is the great outdoors! Have some fun.”

Eventually, Alex blurted out words that he could not take back and said, “What’s so great about it?! I don’t know why we’re out in this horrible nightmare but I HATE IT!!” He gasped at what he said and knew he was in big trouble now.

After having a MASSIVE lecture with his parents; Alex gave up and sat down near a tree, regretting his life. Once again, as if he didn’t have a horrible day already, a swarm of mosquitos came hunting after him and he ran around in a MILLION circles, trying to shoo them away screaming, “OH DEAR GOD!! Please get these WRETCHED creatures away from me!! OW!! Stop that! OWWW!!”

His parents exchanged looks and started laughing uncontrollably and Alex said, “Excuse me? A little HELP here?” Ultimately, they stopped laughing and helped their poor child by spraying mosquito repellent around the place. He breathed a sigh of relief and once again begged to go home. But of course, they denied it.

Near dinner time, Alex was warming up by the fire and noticed something vibrating in his mom’s purse. He couldn’t resist and took a peek and was utterly flabbergasted to see a phone! It had been like he stayed in the forest for years and thought it was finally time to get revenge on his parents; and boy! Did that backfire badly?

He took out the phone and had a smug look on his face while walking to his mom and raised an eyebrow while saying, “What is this? What happened to the ‘No electronics allowed’ rule?” Alex’s mom was shocked to see that he found out what she did and to defend herself, she said the thing that all mothers say, “Alex, please! Respect your elders and also, that rule only applies to you. Understand?”

In his fury, he threw the phone off into the distance and that was when he realized what he had done. “Uh- I- whoops…” He was so shocked, and so was his mom, that he could not utter a single word out of his mouth. His dad saw what happened and in a stern voice he said, “Looks like someone needs a lesson.” He had a beatdown with his parents and was punished to go and find his mom’s phone.

Once more, Mother Nature took a turn on poor Alex. While he sluggishly and grumpily walked around trying to find it he saw a bird that had an eye on the phone. He started running hoping that he would get the phone before he did and yet; the phone got scooped up by the bird and was long gone.

He had endured enough of the outdoors and couldn’t stand it any longer. He shouted, “TAKE ME HOME!!!” And started crying in the middle of the forest. His parents found him and thought that they made a terrible mistake. What was the mistake you ask? Well no, it was not bringing Alex to go camping; it was giving him a personal phone when he was two years old!

They both sighed and shook their heads and knew that Alexander was a lost cause. When all was said and done, they packed their things and went home. Alex however was more than happy to be home with his technological world. But it wasn’t over yet! Because of Alex’s unexplainable behavior; he was grounded for three days with his electronics taken away once again.

He groaned and thought, “Why am I so UNLUCKY?” And since then, Alex never even wanted to go in the garden! He thought the outside world was a curse brought upon humanity. Obviously, his parents tried to do it again but Alex, being his techy self; always said a big hard NO.

Oh, and one more thing; wondering who’s telling this story? Well, IT’S ME!! Yes, Alexander James himself. Now I’m thirty-three years old and despite this story and unlike me, my children absolutely LOVE the outdoors and I like them playing together. But I never came around the outdoors; well maybe I went in the car but never the park, I came in the rain but with an umbrella. Despite anything I never wanted to go out and my wife hates me for that.

Anyway, now I’m a writer; still using tech!

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